
Gym Kit - Personal Trainer


"I found Kit's exercise class in the park a refreshing way to exercise after having my baby and it was also a great opportunity to meet other mums and share experiences. Kit was always a good listener, easy to talk to and took our level of fitness very seriously while also making her class fun and enjoyable. Every week she would present new exercises for us to do and it was hard work sometimes but never boring! The babies also had a good time (fresh air and socialising!) and Kit was always very accommodating when one of them was a bit grumpy!
Kit provides a gym session with a special touch and I would definitely recommend it to other mums!"

Claire Murat, 35.

"My goal was to lose weight and fit comfortably in my wedding suit! Kit devised a varied programme combining cardiovascular exercises with resistance work using dumbbells. I liked the fact that Kit listened to what I liked and disliked in a training session and then included the 'good bits' into future sessions, to ensure I stuck to the programme! She can be quite tough, but in a motivating and encouraging way. Not only did I feel good in my wedding suit, but I now include 3-4 gym visits into my week and feel a lot healthier".
Jon, 41.

"Gym Kit was fantastic for helping me get back into shape again after having my daughter. I felt very creaky at the beginning but soon got into the swing of the different exercises. The classes were always fun, lively and great music to exercise along to. Each week was different so this kept me on my toes and always held new challenges. Kit was very attentive during the classes and was able to advise me on the level and type of exercises I could and shouldn't do. As well as becoming much fitter and feeling more energetic as a result of the classes, I also regained a confidence in my body that I had definitely lost in the early postnatal weeks. A great opportunity for meeting other new mums too!"
Sarah, 41